Character Count Tool

Enter text:

What is the Character Count Tool?

This tool allows you to automatically count characters in text, whether it's in English, Japanese, or any other language.

How to Use the Character Count Tool?

  1. Enter your text in the text box.
  2. Click the "Count" button.
  3. The total number of characters in your input text will be displayed as the result.

Character Count Examples

Example 1: English text "Hello, world!"

Character count: 13 (spaces are counted as characters)

Example 2: Japanese text "こんにちは、世界!"

Character count: 9

Example 3: Mixed language text "Hello, 世界!"

Character count: 10

Example 4: Text with multiple line breaks


Character count: 13 (line breaks are counted as characters)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Are line breaks included in the character count?

Yes, each line break is counted as one character.

2. How are full-width and half-width characters counted?

Both full-width characters (like Japanese) and half-width characters (like English letters and numbers) are counted as one character each.

3. Are spaces included in the character count?

Yes, spaces are counted as characters.

4. Are special symbols and emojis counted?

Yes, all special symbols and emojis are counted as one character each.